A carbon neutral
MSP first

As a socially responsible corporate citizen,
TechBrain takes our environmental, social,
and governance commitment very seriously.

We’re proud to be one of Australia’s very first
carbon neutral MSPs.


Commitment to sustainability

At TechBrain, ESG isn’t just a corporate policy. It’s something we live every day. Our Environmental, Social, and Governance standards guide the impact we have on our staff, customers, community, and our planet.

It’s important to us that we do what we can to build a more sustainable future, for both our company, and the world. To achieve this, we’ve invested time in understanding the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and how we can translate this into a TechBrain context.

To date, we’re proud to be making a difference with four key development goals.

Our Belief

We’re committed to being a
leader in the fight to stop
climate change

We’re very aware of the footprint that we’re leaving on this earth. But rather than worrying about what we can’t change, we’re looking at what we can.

We measure our own carbon emissions, right down to the transportation of our IT equipment. This allows us to considers way to reduce our emissions wherever we can, from simple measures like installing motion sensors and timers to limit our energy use, to ensuring we’re located near the majority of our customers, or taking public transport wherever possible.

We then offset the remainder by supporting third-party-validated reforestation and forestry preservation carbon offset projects. These important projects sequester CO2 emissions from the atmosphere into our trees and soil, while also benefiting those communities and their local wildlife populations.

People not employees

Helping customers go carbon free

You can partner us in reducing your carbon footprint, by joining the Carbon Free Product Certification Program.

This ensures that the carbon emissions associated with IT equipment you buy from us are offset.


Actions speak louder than words

You can take comfort that we’re putting our money where our mouths are. Each one of our Quality Carbon Reduction Projects:

· Meet strict third-party certification standards
· Undergo third-party validation and ongoing verification to ensure they continue to meet those standards.
· Undergo an annual audit to ensure transparency.

People not employees

We set the standard for carbon neutral MSPs

At TechBrain, we meet critical Carbon Reduction Third Party Certification Standards, which include:

· The American Carbon Registry
· Climate Action Reserve
· Gold Level Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards.
· Social Carbon
· Verified Carbon Standard
· UNFCCC Carbon Credits
· ISO-14064.


Important projects with
global benefits

We support important projects with global benefits.

We recognise that we can only do so much, so we make sure to support these quality, third-party-validated carbon reduction and offset projects in their mission to fight climate change now.

Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Reforestation Initiative: aiming to reforest at least 1 million acres in Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri and Illinois

The Envira Amazonia Project: A Tropical Forest Conservation Project protecting nearly 500,000 acres

The Russas-Valparaiso Projects: Tropical Forest Conservation Projects protecting nearly 160,000 acres

Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Reforestation Initiative: aiming to reforest at least 1 million acres in Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri and Illinois

techbrain team

A commitment to
diversity in IT

TechBrain is committed to promoting gender equality, going to far as to commission a study which laid bare the gender bias within the IT Support industry. Based on these results, we provided our Human Resources partner a 16.4% increase in recruitment budget to assist in finding qualified female candidates. This figure was chosen to draw attention to the fact that the gender pay gap in Australia in 16.4%.

We encourage everyone to read our report on the effects of gendered language in tech job ads.

Diversity Report
Build a team for everyone

Creating a company we love

We want to be as proud of the people we develop as we are of the businesses we help develop. To achieve this, we work hard on helping our team achieve mastery in their own fields, while creating a culture of inclusivity.

Building and supporting diversity

We support the individual circumstances of our team by providing flexible work arrangements that meet their needs. This actively works towards improving our diversity and strengthening our organisation.

Build a team for everyone

Doing good for the community

We work towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 through our commitment to local organisation On My Feet, an organisation that combines education, exercise, and employment to solve homelessness at a local level.


Engaging in our community

TechBrain proudly supports On My Feet, an Australian volunteer-run not-for-profit that uses a world-first combination of exercise, education, and employment to help people at risk of or dealing with homelessness transition from shelter to self-sufficiency.

Founded by Keegan Crage in November 2014 and incorporated in March 2015, On My Feet’s goal is to be Australia’s most cost effective and successful Shelter-to-Self-Sufficiency program provider for those at risk or experiencing homelessness.

To date On My Feet has helped hundreds of people across Perth, Melbourne and Cape Town, South Africa and created in excess of $20million of community value.

Visit On My Feet