Cyber Security


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OUR Solution

Phishing tests for

Meticulously designed for the unique digital landscape of Australia. Our mission is to empower your organisation in the face of growing cyber threats by identifying hidden vulnerabilities and bolstering your employees’ security awareness in-line the Australian government’s Essential 8.

TechBrain’s phishing training and simulated attack service does more than just detect weaknesses; it equips your team with the knowledge and skills needed to counteract evolving cyber attacks.

By simulating real-world phishing scenarios, we unveil areas where additional training is essential and help you stay one step ahead of cyber criminals.

Our comprehensive training aims to protect not only your business, but also your people and the sensitive information they handle daily. Through building a strong phishing awareness foundation, we safeguard your organisation from the detrimental effects of social engineering attacks.

Embark on this cornerstone cyber security component with TechBrain, and fortify your organisation’s defences against the ever-present and ever-changing landscape of cyber threats.

Together, we’ll establish a strong human firewall and create a secure, resilient and thriving digital future for your business.

employee opening emails, cyber threat appears

Secure Your Human Firewall

Your employees are the first line of defense against increasingly sophisticated phishing attacks.

TechBrain’s comprehensive phishing awareness training suite empowers your workforce to recognise and respond to those potential threats effectively.

Our user-friendly platform enables us to create customised training programs that address your industry-specific risks.

With engaging, multi-language courses and simulated phishing campaigns, your employees will gain the knowledge and practical skills needed to identify and report suspicious emails.

We provide automated reporting to track progress and demonstrate the effectiveness of the training, ensuring your compliance with regulatory requirements.

Let us help you foster a culture of security awareness within your business and secure peace of mind in the face of an ever evolving cyber threat landscape.


Simple & effective
phishing exercises

Our comprehensive training program offers a robust array of dynamic exercises, strengthening your organisation’s cybersecurity posture and safeguarding your sensitive information.

Identifying phishing emails
We teach participants how to spot the telltale signs of phishing emails, such as suspicious sender addresses, poor grammar, and urgent calls to action, ensuring your team remains vigilant against deceptive communication.

Understanding phishing techniques
Delving into phishing tactics in all their forms, including spear phishing, whaling, and clone phishing, providing participants with the knowledge to recognise and counteract these targeted attacks.

Analysing email headers
Trainees learn to inspect email headers vigilantly, verifying the authenticity of the sender and detecting potential phishing attempts before they can cause damage.

Safe link handling
Employees are educated on best practices for dealing with links in emails, such as hovering over links to inspect the destination URL and using link scanning tools to ensure safety before clicking.

Handling attachments securely
Our training covers the essentials of managing email attachments, including understanding the risks associated with different file types and using malware scanning tools to secure your digital environment.

Reporting phishing attempts
Trainees are instructed on the appropriate steps to follow when encountering a phishing email, ensuring timely reporting to the IT department or using designated reporting tools to minimize potential damage.

Social engineering awareness
We delve into the psychological manipulation techniques used in phishing attacks, heightening participants’ understanding of the importance of caution and vigilance when sharing sensitive information.

Security best practices
Our training emphasises the critical role of implementing strong, unique passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, and keeping software updated to shield against phishing threats.

Real-world phishing simulations
To reinforce their learning, participants are exposed to simulated phishing campaigns that mirror actual attacks. These realistic scenarios offer a safe environment for trainees to apply their newly acquired skills and knowledge.

Post-simulation debrief and analysis
After the phishing simulations, we provide a thorough debrief, offering invaluable feedback on each trainee’s performance. This process highlights areas of improvement and reinforces the key lessons learned throughout the training.

By investing in the confidence and expertise of your team, you are securing a thriving digital future for your business, protecting both your people and your critical information from the devastating consequences of phishing attacks.

The Details

Phishing simulations

Phishing simulations have emerged as a vital tool in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, providing a proactive approach to assess and improve an organisation’s readiness against cyber threats.

By mimicking real-world phishing scenarios, these simulations enable employees to experience and respond to attacks in a safe and controlled environment. The following discussion points outline the key aspects of phishing simulations and their importance in fortifying an organisation’s cybersecurity posture.

Purpose and goals
At the core of phishing simulations is the objective to enhance an organisation’s defences against phishing attacks by testing and refining employees’ ability to recognise and respond to such threats. This proactive approach ultimately minimises the risk of successful attacks and safeguards sensitive information.

Realism and variety
To effectively prepare employees, phishing simulations must be realistic and diverse, encompassing various attack techniques, including spear phishing, whaling, and clone phishing. This ensures participants are equipped to handle a broad range of scenarios they may encounter.

Metrics and measurement
Assessing the success of phishing simulations involves tracking measurable metrics such as click rates, data submission rates and reporting rates. These indicators help identify areas needing improvement and monitor progress over time.

Customisation and targeting
Tailoring phishing simulations to an organisation’s specific needs and target groups ensures relevance and engagement. Factors such as industry, company size, and employee roles must be considered when designing and implementing these simulations.

Feedback and follow-up
Providing participants with constructive feedback after the simulation is crucial for reinforcing lessons learned and addressing misconceptions. Regular follow-up training should be planned to strengthen employees’ skills and address identified weaknesses.

Legal and ethical considerations
Maintaining a balance between the realism of the simulation and respecting employees’ privacy is essential. Organisations must ensure simulations are conducted ethically and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Frequency and consistency
Regular phishing simulations contribute to maintaining a high level of security awareness and allow organisations to evaluate the effectiveness of their training program. Consistency in conducting simulations supports the continuous development of employees’ skills and expertise.

Integration with security awareness training
Phishing simulations should be seamlessly integrated into broader security awareness training initiatives to provide employees with a comprehensive and well-rounded cyber security education.

Reporting and analysis
Post-simulation reporting and analysis play a critical role in identifying trends, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. This valuable information enables organisations to adapt their training program and develop targeted strategies to strengthen their cybersecurity posture.

Stakeholder buy-in and support
Ensuring the success of phishing simulations requires support from management and stakeholders, including allocating adequate resources, budget, and commitment to the continuous improvement and uptake of recommendations.

Modern businesses’ recognise the importance of empowering employees to defend against the ever-growing and increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, phishing simulations and awareness training presents an invaluable opportunity for organisations to evaluate and strengthen that cyber security readiness.

Partnering with a TechBrain’s comprehensive phishing awareness training and simulation program business’s can not only reinforce cyber security posture, but also instill confidence in employees to navigate the digital landscape securely and responsibly.


What are the different types of phishing awareness training?

Phishing awareness training encompasses various types, including instructor-led sessions, interactive online courses, and real-world phishing simulations. These trainings cover recognising phishing emails, understanding attack techniques, safe link handling, reporting phishing attempts, and implementing security best practices, all tailored to the organization’s needs.

Any legal or ethical considerations to keep in mind when conducting phishing simulations?

When conducting phishing simulations, balance realism with respect for employees’ privacy. Ensure simulations are ethically conducted and comply with relevant laws, regulations and company policies. Obtain management and stakeholder buy-in, communicate the purpose of simulations and provide a supportive learning environment for employees.

How frequently should my organisation conduct phishing awareness training?

Business’s should conduct phishing awareness training annually, with regular phishing simulations and follow-up training sessions to maintain a high level of security awareness and adapt to evolving threats.

What are most important metrics in a phishing simulation?

The open rate – that is how many employees actually opened the simulated phishing emails. You can conduct A/B tests to determine what elements create trust – the subject line, sender, preview text, etc and tailor your follow up training to address this.

The click rate – once employees are in the email, are they downloading email attachments or clicking on links? Here you’ll need to determine what in the contents of the email created trust.

The report rate – how many employees are actually reporting what they think is a phishing scam, have they recognised it accurately and are being proactive about cyber security?

What happens if my team fails the phishing test?

Phishing simulations serve as a crucial tool in identifying vulnerabilities, enabling organisations to refine and enhance their security awareness training.

Embracing the learning opportunities that arise from failure is vital for continuous improvement. CyberSafe’s phishing simulation service seamlessly integrates with the indicators & attack prevention module, a key component of our comprehensive cyber security training program. This integration empowers employees to recognise phishing attack indicators, comprehend the risks associated with phishing scams and proactively mitigate these threats to protect the business.

Is the training suitable for employees with different levels of technical expertise?

Yes, phishing awareness training is designed to accommodate employees with varying technical expertise. The training focuses on practical knowledge, real-world examples, and easy-to-understand guidelines, ensuring all participants can effectively recognise and respond to phishing threats.